Everyone keeps asking for a recipe for chia pudding so i am posting a few here. Chia and Kefir are both sooooo tasty putting them together is always going to be a winner. WARNING: If tapioca freaks you out, this won’t be your thing. ORANGE KEFIR CHIA PUDDING INGREDIENTS ½ cup kefir ½ cup milk juice of 1 orange 1 teaspoon vanilla 2 tablespoons chia seeds 1 tablespoon maple syrup 1 teaspoon coconut flour INSTRUCTIONS Whisk all ingredients together in a small bowl and refrigerate for at least an hour or up to overnight. Remove from refrigerator,...
Sourdough Bread and why its so amazing!
Sourdough bread is the kind of bread that you slather thick with butter and eat with soup when snow falls and winds howl (perfect at the moment then!) This is sourdough bread – tangy and moist, dense and nutty. It is the bread made for centuries before the invention of commercial yeast packets. Health Benefits of Sourdough Sourdough breads are leavened by a starter that contain natural yeasts and acids. The airborne yeast creates the enzymes needed to eat up or predigest some of the toughest-on-your-belly parts of the grain. This action creates carbon dioxide, which gets trapped in tiny...
Frequently Asked Questions-Part 1-
Question: I have had my new grains for a couple of days now, i have just come to check on them after 36 hours and nothing seems to have changed, help? Have i done something wrong? Answer: What you have described is normal for new grains as they need to settle into their new environment. Kefir grains are very sensitive to temperature and other atmospheric conditions and therefore it takes them a little while to re-adjust to their new surroundings (this is because they are live and natural). The grains generally settle after 3 or four brews but can take...
How can I tell if my water kefir grains are working?
When you first receive your grains it can be difficult to tell when your water kefir is ready and if anything has happened Color: The liquid will change color over the 48-hour culturing process. For example, if using white sugar, the plain sugar water will be yellow but finished water kefir will be a more opal color and less translucent. If using a whole sugar containing molasses (e.g., rapadura, Sucanat, etc.), the liquid will change to a different shade of brown (typically a lighter shade of brown). Taste: After the 48-hour culturing process, the finished kefir should be less sweet...
How to use milk Kefir grains to make non dairy kefir
When making kefir with nut milks or coconut milk it is absolutely vital to understand that the grains do not get any nutrients from these milks and will perish If this is the only milk type you sit them in. when you first receive your grains you must sit them in full fat cows/goats milk for twenty four hours, sieve through, and then give them more full fat cows/goats milk. It is extremely advisable to do this at least three times. This not only helps the grains settle but also feeds them up. The milk grains eat the lactose in...