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5 Reasons to make your own cheese

blog Cheesemaking info receipes

how to make your own cheese


Making your own cheese may seem like a major task but with a cheese kit its simply quick and easy but why would you want to make your own cheese?

1. It's a nice skill to learn.

Making your own cheese is the culinary equivalent of building a log cabin. There just aren't that many people who know how to do it anymore. A homemade cheese will always be a little experimental but as you are making it yourself you can add your own flavours and ingredients. Our kits provide everything you need, no fancy equipment needed.


2. Homemade cheese contains the best ingredients.

Most commercial cheeses contain artificial flavours, preservatives or colours. Be in control of what is in your cheese. Choose your own ingredients and make high quality cheese.

3. It's easy!

There are a few basic steps to cheesemaking but all our kits come with full and clear instructions. You can make several different cheeses with some of our kits and they are fun and easy for the family (a good summer holiday project).

4. It's inexpensive.

Unlike other hobbies you don't need a vast array of equipment to make your own cheese. All the kits contain everything you need to make your kit (other than the milk) and a pan.

5. Children love it.

Kids love to make cheese and kits love to eat cheese. Cheesemaking is an great family kitchen activity. They can learn and participate and its a fun way to teach science and chemistry plus As you begin to make cheese, you will naturally seek out the best ingredients, you can make it as in depth as you like. You can turn it into a project talking to farmers and other cheese makers. While you can make cheese without ever meeting a cow, but knowing your sources is so much more fun! 

Start making your own cheese today!


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