Why does water kefir/kombucha/ginger beer explode and how can i stop it?
blog ginger beer info kefir kefir receipes kombucha Non-Dairy Culture non-dairy kefir receipes Safety vegan culture water kefir

Fermented drinks such as water kefir and kombucha and ginger beer are fun and very easy to make and drink. The bacteria and yeast in the cultures converts the sugars into lactic acid, a very small amount of alcohol, and a lot of carbon dioxide. In some cases too much carbon dioxide, and as the drink continues to ferment, more and more gas is created. This gas creates pressure when it is sealed into a bottle and the more gas that is created the more pressure is created, and too much can cause problems.
What is a water sealed vegetable Crock?
blog fermented veggies Gut health info Kimchi Non-Dairy Culture Safety

Water-sealed crocks are a bit more difficult to find and usually more expensive , but they are generally pieces of art worthy of living on your kitchen counter.
After a water-sealed crock is packed, two half-circle weights are placed into the crock to keep your ferment submerged. Then, the lid is placed into an open moat which is then filled with water. Now, outside air is prevented from entering the crock and carbon dioxide gases created during fermentation easily bubble out. This helps to keep the environment inside the crock rich in carbon dioxide and this in turn helps to stop mold. Try to avoid opening the lid as much as you can though as otherwise you are letting fresh oxygen back inside!
Caring for your fermenter and stones
blog Cleaning fermented veggies info Kimchi Safety

Prevention is also better than cure so correct cleaning and storage of your crock and weights will make life easier. Here we tell you how to clean and store your crock for everday use and also how to clean if something goes wrong......
Lets de-bunk some kefir myths
blog Dairy milk kefir information kefir milk kefir non-dairy kefir non-dairy milk kefir Safety water kefir

Let's de-bunk some kefir myths. There are some very dubious myths that seem to have built up around kefir online, here we explore them to see if they are fact or fiction.
Why did my water kefir explode?
blog info kefir kefir receipes Non-Dairy Culture non-dairy kefir receipes Safety

Fermented drinks such as water kefir and kombucha and ginger beer are fun and very easy to make and drink. The bacteria and yeast in the cultures converts the sugars into lactic acid, a very small amount of alcohol, and a lot of carbon dioxide. In some cases too much carbon dioxide, and as the drink continues to ferment, more and more gas is created. This gas creates pressure when it is sealed into a bottle and the more gas that is created the more pressure is created, and too much can cause problems. SO WHAT FACTORS AFFECT BOTTLED WATER...