10 Best Vegetables to Add to Your Veg Ferments for Better Health
fermented veggies Gut health Vegan vegetarian

Fermented vegetables have taken the food world by storm, and for good reason. Not only are they bursting with flavour, but they’re also packed with probiotics that are fantastic for your gut health. Plus, they’re versatile, fun to make, and can liven up almost any dish. But did you know that certain vegetables are particularly great for fermentation? Some have natural properties that work wonders for your health when fermented.
If you're new to fermenting or want to up your veggie game, we’ve got you covered. We’ve rounded up the 10 best vegetables to add to your ferments for maximum flavour and health benefits. Let’s get fermenting!
Spicy Chilli Ginger Beer recipe
blog ginger beer info receipes Vegan vegan culture vegetarian

I like my ginger beer throaty with personality over lightly flavoured sugar water. But the good thing is that you don't really have to choose. You can make your ginger beer however you like it. If you like only a touch of ginger and don't want it too fiery just reduce the amount of fresh ginger you add and you can just omit the chillies if you don't want that throaty quality......
How to make Almond Milk kefir
blog info kefir receipes milk kefir non-dairy kefir non-dairy milk kefir receipes vegetarian

Making Almond milk kefir is just as easy as making dairy milk kefir. Almond milk kefir is a minimal dairy option but it is not completely dairy free or vegan option.
When you are making Almond milk kefir there are a few things that you will need to keep in mind as there are a few major differences between homemade dairy milk kefir and homemade Almond milk kefir. The first is that almond milk kefir will not thicken like dairy milk kefir does. This is due to the different proteins an...
What to do with all your extra scobies
blog Culture care info kombucha scobies Vegan vegetarian

As your brew will produce a new scoby every time you brew it won't be long before you have more than you need. So what do you do with them all? Some helpful hints and idea's on what to do with all the extra scobies you have grown. Brew more kombucha... It might sound obvious but now you have more scobies you can start off more batches or bigger batches if you want. Experiment....You can use your spare scobies to experiment with new tea's (or even coffee) or different sugars and then throw the scoby away when you have finished....
Water Kefir Vs Milk Kefir- What is the difference?
blog Dairy milk kefir Gut health information kefir milk kefir Non-Dairy Culture non-dairy kefir non-dairy milk kefir vegan culture vegetarian water kefir

Kefir grains are very sustainable and economical. With gentle care, these grains can be recycled endless times. There are two varieties of kefir grains: water kefir which has a yellowish/clear crystal colour depending on the sugar they have been fed and milk kefir which has a white creamy cauliflower-type appearance. Both are delicious and have many health benefits. Kefir can be taken by all generations, from young to old, male and female. It is safe and nutritious. Since milk kefir grains feed on lactose, kefir is perfect for individuals who are colon sensitive and lactose intolerant. The good thing...