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Warm weather care!

Warm weather care!

Don't forget Your cultures when the temperatures rise, remember to keep them out of direct sunlight and if it gets really hot (......well it might happen!) you might need to use a cool water bath the keep your cultures cool. Here's some handy tips to help you survive the warmer weather. Reduce the brew time The warmer temperatures will make all cultures go faster so reducing the brew time, this will greatly increase your chances of success with virtually all cultures. Use an ice bath or cooler to keep the temperature down. Using a cool bag  or box with an...

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Good kefir housekeeping

Good kefir housekeeping

So you have been brewing well for quite a while and all has been going well however gradually the kefir has gotten very sour and the curds are thick and hard to seive. What has gone wrong? The answer is nothing, this is normal and just requires a bit of kefir housekeeping.  Getting the ratio correct When making kefir, in order to get the best results and in order to keep your grains happy and healthy it is important that you keep the ratio of grains to milk or sugar water correct. Milk Kefir ratio We advise keeping the ratio...

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Dispatch delays are now over!

Dispatch delays are now over!

All orders are now being dispatched as normal, Kombucha orders are no longer subject to additional delays! Woohoo!

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Kombucha Delays

PLEASE NOTE DUE TO A HIGH VOLUME OF ORDERS WE ARE CURRENTLY EXPERIENCING A WAIT FOR ORDERS.  Please note there is currently a wait for all orders containing Kombucha scobies, Due to the colder weather (makes the scobies grow slower) and the popularity of these cultures. The wait is approx 10 working working days but we will do everything we can to get orders dispatched as quickly as possible Our Cultures are all grown and tented to by hand. There is no kefir or scoby machine or automation of any kind – it’s just willing human hands and lots of...

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Foods to eat for a Healthy Gut

Foods to eat for a Healthy Gut

Every time you eat a meal, you’re also feeding the roughly 100 trillion bacteria that call your gut and other organs home. In the past decade, there has been an avalanche of new research and hypotheses about how the microbes that live inside us affect our health, weight, and even mood. We’ve learned that our intestinal flora impact how we process food, contribute to our immune system, and play a role in regulating inflammation.

Healthy gut

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