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How to make Kimchi with your kefirko jar- Video

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How to make Kimchi with your kefirko jar- Video

Kimchi, a staple food in Korean cuisine, is a traditional side dish of salted and fermented vegetables, such as napa cabbage and Korean radish, made with a widely varying selection of seasonings, including gochugaru, spring onions, garlic, ginger, and jeotgal, etc. It is also used in a variety of soups and stews. Kimchi is full of beta-carotene and other antioxidant compounds that can help reduce the risk of serious health conditions such as stroke, cancer, diabetes, and heart disease. Kimchi is also an excellent source of: Vitamin A. Vitamin C


Want to know how to do it/ Watch our video

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Elderflower and ginger water kefir

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Elderflower and ginger water kefir

It's Elderflower season, so why to not turn healthy water kefir drink even for something more healthier.
Did you know?

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Flavouring Water kefir with a second ferment

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Flavouring Water kefir with a second ferment

The first thing I would say about kefir is, EVERYONE will tell you something different. Brewing kefir is just like making any other dish. There are hundreds of variations and recipes out there, each one somebody’s favorite. Everyone will swear doing this or that particular thing will make the beverage more healthful for you — and often the advice is contradictory. My point of view? Relax. Just do it. Enjoy it. Experiment and see what works for you, what you like and don't like. If it doesn't  work, chalk it down to experience and try again. 
how to make water kefir info graphic

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Why does water kefir/kombucha/ginger beer explode and how can i stop it?

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Why does water kefir/kombucha/ginger beer explode and how can i stop it?

Fermented drinks such as water kefir and kombucha and ginger beer are fun and very easy to make and drink. The bacteria and yeast in the cultures converts the sugars into lactic acid, a very small amount of alcohol, and a lot of carbon dioxide. In some cases too much carbon dioxide,  and as the drink continues to ferment, more and more gas is created. This gas creates pressure when it is sealed into a bottle and the more gas that is created the more pressure is created, and too much can cause problems.water kefir

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Any Fruit Kefir smoothie

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Any Fruit Kefir smoothie

Smoothies are a fantastic way to combine cultured dairy with just about anything. Using combinations of fresh and frozen fruit creates a wonderful thick, ice cold texture but without watering down the smoothie by using ice. You can also add ice-cream (either standard or kefir ice cream).

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