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How to make Almond Milk kefir

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How to make Almond Milk kefir

Making Almond milk kefir is just as easy as making dairy milk kefir. Almond milk kefir is a minimal dairy option but it is not completely dairy free or vegan option.

When you are making Almond milk kefir there are a few things that you will need to keep in mind as there are a few major differences between homemade dairy milk kefir and homemade Almond milk kefir. The first is that almond milk kefir will not thicken like dairy milk kefir does. This is due to the different proteins an...

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5 Reasons to make your own cheese

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5 Reasons to make your own cheese

  Making your own cheese may seem like a major task but with a cheese kit its simply quick and easy but why would you want to make your own cheese? 1. It's a nice skill to learn. Making your own cheese is the culinary equivalent of building a log cabin. There just aren't that many people who know how to do it anymore. A homemade cheese will always be a little experimental but as you are making it yourself you can add your own flavours and ingredients. Our kits provide everything you need, no fancy equipment needed.   2....

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Flavouring Milk kefir

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Flavouring Milk kefir

    Milk kefir is a great source of vitamins and protein. It makes a wonderful quick snack when your tummy is growling, but you don’t have time to sit down and eat. If your looking to find ways to get your family interested in drinking their daily glass of milk kefir, then why not try adding a bit of flavour? Flavouring milk kefir can be as easy as you want to make it and depends on the type of flavour that you are looking for. The Easy Method The easy way to flavour milk kefir is during the second...

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Why did my water kefir explode?

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Why did my water kefir explode?

Fermented drinks such as water kefir and kombucha and ginger beer are fun and very easy to make and drink. The bacteria and yeast in the cultures converts the sugars into lactic acid, a very small amount of alcohol, and a lot of carbon dioxide. In some cases too much carbon dioxide,  and as the drink continues to ferment, more and more gas is created. This gas creates pressure when it is sealed into a bottle and the more gas that is created the more pressure is created, and too much can cause problems. SO WHAT FACTORS AFFECT BOTTLED WATER...

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Flavouring Kombucha

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Flavouring Kombucha

  When you want to experiment with the Kombucha tea recipeMany people right around the globe drink Kombucha Tea, and the majority of them stick with the basic Kombucha recipeIf you don’t know how to make the basic Kombucha recipe then you will find it all explained here and if you need a kombucha mother scoby or starter kit you can find them here. However there is lots you can do to change the flavour of your kombucha. Changing the base tea.This is the most popular way to vary your recipe and probably the easiest. All you need to do...

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