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  HOW TO REMOVE CHLORINE FROM TAP WATER.... When making water Kefir it is vital that you use water that has had the chlorine removed. BEWARE not all bottled waters can be trusted some still contain trace amount of chlorine, this will eventually kill you grains. Removing the Chlorine is easy to do at home however the easiest way of all is to use a water filter. Britta are my favourite but most water filters will remove chlorine. If you do not want to filter your water then this is how you remove the chlorine: Boil the water (either in...

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Baby Scobies

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Baby Scobies

  Baby Scobies....... Baby Scobies grow on the top of your brew or as a new layer on top of your scoby. This will happen every time you brew (can take up to 14 days before its thick enough to see). When your scoby grows as a new layer it can be a bit worrying at first as it just looks like a funny looking layer of slime/white is growing on the top of your brew. This is normal and good. If your scoby grows as a new layer on top of your brew: Leave the baby scoby where it...

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What to do with kefir between brews

  The only slight problem with kefir (both water and milk) is that there is no off switch. So what do I do when I have enough kefir? This is the question I am asked most often. The simplest solution is to prepare your grains as if you were brewing with them (i.e. put them in a clean jar with the usual amount of milk) and put them in the fridge. They can be left to sit in the fridge for between 5-7 days without the need to change the milk again. Keep an eye on them and if you...

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How to make Cottage Cheese with Milk Kefir

How to make Cottage Cheese with Milk Kefir

 Cottage cheese is simple and easy to make with milk kefir. A word of caution however, it  can sometimes be tough to remove the grains from the cottage cheese curds so only try to do this once you have enough grains to be able to "loose" some. Equipment needed: Plastic spoon fine weave muslin or a very fine weaved fabric Pan container to store cottage cheese in. Method: Make your kefir as normal  (make with cream instead of milk if you want really thick cheese or 50/50 cream/whole milk. once you have strained the kefir grains* however leave to stand...

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How to Re-hydrate kefir

  HOW TO REHYDRATE WATER KEFIR THIS PROCESS GENERALLY TAKES 4-5 DAYS   You will need: Dehydrated Water Kefir Grains  Sugar: 4-6 Tablespoons  White sugar or brown sugar; (do not use honey, agave, etc. to re-hydrated water Kefir grains)   Water (non-chlorinated)  Well water or spring water is best due to higher mineral content .If using tap water, remove the chlorine prior to making water kefir by either boiling the water and allowing it to cool or by aerating the water using a blender.  One glass jar(at least 1L)  One towel or paper coffee filter to use as a covering for the jar...

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