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We Now sell Ready Made Milk Kefir.

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We Now sell Ready Made Milk Kefir.

Our Milk kefir is hand made using our wonderful grains and Locally produced grass fed Organic Milk (We never used mass produced Milk with our grains). We make our kefir in small batches and brew at a low temperature to produce a wonderful tasting drink.

Ready made milk kefir

Our milk kefir contains no additives, is certified organic, is GMO free and has no added sweeteners flavourings or additives. It is simple milk and live milk kefir cultures.  

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Fermented Vegetables: Simple, Delicious and Rich in Probiotics!

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Fermented Vegetables: Simple, Delicious and Rich in Probiotics!

Fermented foods add good bacteria to the gut. This good bacteria helps to do many things like strengthen the immune system and regulate appetite.

Fermented vegetables are a great and tasty way to get a daily dose of probiotics to maintain gut health.

Fermenting veggies is a cheap and tasty way of adding good bacteria too the gut!

Fermentation can also add nutritional value to whatever you ferment. The bacteria produce B vitamins, omega-3 fatty acids, and digestive enzymes not present before fermentation. During fermentation, good bacteria also helps predigest all the vitamins and nutrients in the vegetables themselves, making them more bioavailable to the body. The health payoff of this nutrient boost can be huge.

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What is a water sealed vegetable Crock?

blog fermented veggies Gut health info Kimchi Non-Dairy Culture Safety

What is a water sealed vegetable Crock?

Water-sealed crocks are a bit more difficult to find and usually more expensive , but they are generally pieces of art worthy of living on your kitchen counter.

After a water-sealed crock is packed, two half-circle weights are placed into the crock to keep your ferment submerged. Then, the lid is placed into an open moat which is then filled with water. Now, outside air is prevented from entering the crock and carbon dioxide gases created during fermentation easily bubble out. This helps to keep the environment inside the crock rich in carbon dioxide and this in turn helps to stop mold. Try to avoid opening the lid as much as you can though as otherwise you are letting fresh oxygen back inside! 

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How to make Quark with kefir for the Budwig Diet

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How to make Quark with kefir for the Budwig Diet

Quark has a very smooth and creamy texture and is slightly sweet but still sour if made with kefir. It has a very unique and very delicious taste. It can used in baking (cheesecake), cooking (Pirogi), as a dip with herbs (rosemary and garlic are my favourites), or most popularly as a dessert with fresh fruits or berries – yum, yum!

Even though Quark is very popular in Europe good Organic live Quark is not easy to find here in the UK but the fantastic news is, its super easy to make with Milk kefir. Hoe to make Quark with Milk kefir for the Budwig diet

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10 Reasons to drink Milk Kefir.

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10 Reasons to drink Milk Kefir.

  Here at happy kombucha we tend for our Cultures by hand, grown by our culture care team who have been working with cultures and cultured food for many years. There is no scoby or Kefir machine just willing hands and lots of Love. We sing to them, we talk to them and we treat them as one of the Happykombucha family so you know that when you buy our cultures you are buying a small sachet of love not just pro-biotics. BUY MILK KEFIR GRAINS We use only Organic ingredients with all our cultures and we offer a full...

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