Foods to eat for a Healthy Gut

Every time you eat a meal, you’re also feeding the roughly 100 trillion bacteria that call your gut and other organs home. In the past decade, there has been an avalanche of new research and hypotheses about how the microbes that live inside us affect our health, weight, and even mood. We’ve learned that our intestinal flora impact how we process food, contribute to our immune system, and play a role in regulating inflammation.
Benefits of Kefir
blog Dairy milk kefir Gut health info kefir

Benefits of Drinking Kefir The benefits of drinking kefir are extensive. As mentioned kefir is both curative and preventive. It possess both antibacterial and anti-fungal properties. Except for a few exemptions, like those who really have super sensitive intestines, everybody is welcomed to drink. Each 175 gram of kefir provides about 20 percent of the recommended daily allowance (RDA) of calcium, which is important in maintaining healthy bones and teeth. Tryptophan, an essential amino acid in kefir, has calming and relaxing effect. A single serving of plain, non-fat kefir has less than 100 calories, but provides 10.5 grams of protein,...
Water Kefir Vs Milk Kefir- What is the difference?
blog Dairy milk kefir Gut health information kefir milk kefir Non-Dairy Culture non-dairy kefir non-dairy milk kefir vegan culture vegetarian water kefir

Kefir grains are very sustainable and economical. With gentle care, these grains can be recycled endless times. There are two varieties of kefir grains: water kefir which has a yellowish/clear crystal colour depending on the sugar they have been fed and milk kefir which has a white creamy cauliflower-type appearance. Both are delicious and have many health benefits. Kefir can be taken by all generations, from young to old, male and female. It is safe and nutritious. Since milk kefir grains feed on lactose, kefir is perfect for individuals who are colon sensitive and lactose intolerant. The good thing...