How to Flavour Water with a second ferment
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The great thing about flavouring your kefir with a second ferment is that as you have already removed the scoby (grains) you are not risking it by flavouring your Kefir this way. Never add anything to favour your kefir on the first ferment (f1) the ginger lemon and dried fruit that you add if you are following are recipe are not added top flavour they are added for minerals to help the grains.
Milk kefir- Some FAQ
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How much kefir should you drink a day?
It’s recommended you drink about one cup of kefir a day, which is around 200-250ml. When you first start its a good idea to have few days off a week to help your system get used to it.
Is it safe to drink kefir everyday?
yes, It’s fine to drink it every day, just be conscious not to have more than the recommended amount.
What's the deal with kefir nutrition?
One cup of low fat kefir contains 110 calories, 11g protein (22% RDA), 2g fat, 12g carbohydrate, 12g sugar and 390mg calcium (30% RDA)
Milk kefir - Is it good for good gut health?
blog info kefir milk kefir non-dairy kefir non-dairy milk kefir

Is Kefir good for Gut health?
When it comes to kefir benefits, there are more benefits than you can shake a well populated gut microbiome at. This is Because the drink usually made from cow, goat or sheep milk, that gets the fermented treatment it is chock full of potential wins for your health.
How to make Ginger beer Video instructions
blog ginger beer Non-Dairy Culture receipes vegan culture

Homemade ginger beer can be a thing of wonder. Whether you're a Moscow Mule fan or just enjoy sipping it in a tall glass with ice, making ginger beer at home might mean the end of your store-bought ginger beer days.
Our Video shows how easy it is to make.
Sweet Christmas Sourdough Ring