Water Kefir ideas. Flavouring Water kefir
blog info kefir kefir receipes Non-Dairy Culture vegan culture water kefir

The awesome thing about water kefir is that you can really flavor it however you want. It is very forgiving and you can be as creative as you’d like. Everything from fruit, to juice, to herbs, to flowers. The sky is the limit for creativity! and there really is nothing nicer than sitting on a sunny day with a chilled homemade bottle of water kefir! Before we get started, here are a few things to remember: For all of these recipes, proportions are given for 500ml flip-top bottles. If you’re using smaller or larger bottles, you can adjust the...
How to make coconut milk kefir (and other non dairy kefir)
blog info kefir kefir receipes milk kefir Non-Dairy Culture non-dairy kefir non-dairy milk kefir vegetarian

Coconut Kefir Coconut (or other nut milks) milk kefir is a perfect if you are looking for a change in your kefir or if you are looking to make a dairy free kefir. When making kefir with nut milks or coconut milk it is absolutely vital to understand that the grains do not get any nutrients from these milks and will perish If this is the only milk type you sit them in. when you first receive your grains you must sit them in full fat cows/goats milk for twenty four hours, sieve through, and then give them more full...
Baby Scobies
blog Culture care info kombucha Non-Dairy Culture scobies vegan culture vegetarian

Baby Scobies....... Baby Scobies grow on the top of your brew or as a new layer on top of your scoby. This will happen every time you brew (can take up to 14 days before its thick enough to see). When your scoby grows as a new layer it can be a bit worrying at first as it just looks like a funny looking layer of slime/white is growing on the top of your brew. This is normal and good. If your scoby grows as a new layer on top of your brew: Leave the baby scoby where it...