Milk kefir- Some FAQ
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How much kefir should you drink a day?
It’s recommended you drink about one cup of kefir a day, which is around 200-250ml. When you first start its a good idea to have few days off a week to help your system get used to it.
Is it safe to drink kefir everyday?
yes, It’s fine to drink it every day, just be conscious not to have more than the recommended amount.
What's the deal with kefir nutrition?
One cup of low fat kefir contains 110 calories, 11g protein (22% RDA), 2g fat, 12g carbohydrate, 12g sugar and 390mg calcium (30% RDA)
Milk kefir - Is it good for good gut health?
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Is Kefir good for Gut health?
When it comes to kefir benefits, there are more benefits than you can shake a well populated gut microbiome at. This is Because the drink usually made from cow, goat or sheep milk, that gets the fermented treatment it is chock full of potential wins for your health.
The new Kefirko jar
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Making Coconut/Almond/Soya Milk kefir
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Kefir is amazing but it is not just for those who can drink dairy. For those who wish to avoid dairy or for those who just fancy a change from dairy milk kefir coconut milk kefir is a great alternative to make or you can make Almond milk kefir you can also make fruit smoothies (dairy and dairy free). There are several options for making coconut kefir, some contain minimal dairy so are not suitable for those looking to avoid dairy altogether and are not a vegan option but there is also a completely vegan friendly dairy free method. We have outlined them all below. ...
We Now sell Ready Made Milk Kefir.
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Our Milk kefir is hand made using our wonderful grains and Locally produced grass fed Organic Milk (We never used mass produced Milk with our grains). We make our kefir in small batches and brew at a low temperature to produce a wonderful tasting drink.
Our milk kefir contains no additives, is certified organic, is GMO free and has no added sweeteners flavourings or additives. It is simple milk and live milk kefir cultures.