Batch method and continuous method Kombucha- what's the difference?

While making Kombucha is quick easy and very adaptable, those new to home brewering can have questions about the two different methods, Kombucha Continuous Brew vs Batch Brew so below we have complied a brief breakdown of the two different methods. Ultimately please always remember so long as you are enjoying the flavour and the process, there is no wrong way to make Kombucha.What works for you is best. So what is Batch method kombucha brewing? Batch Brewing involves removing everything when your brew is ready and starting the brew over each time, using a small amount of starter liquid...
How to build a scoby hotel

So you have been successfully brewing your kombucha for quite some time and now have lots of baby scobys, you do not want to have to throw them away and you might need them in the future so what do you do......
You are going to want to create a SCOBY Hotel, this is a spot for your SCOBYs for them to chill out until an emergency arises and you need to use them.
What to do with all your extra scobies
blog Culture care info kombucha scobies Vegan vegetarian

As your brew will produce a new scoby every time you brew it won't be long before you have more than you need. So what do you do with them all? Some helpful hints and idea's on what to do with all the extra scobies you have grown. Brew more kombucha... It might sound obvious but now you have more scobies you can start off more batches or bigger batches if you want. Experiment....You can use your spare scobies to experiment with new tea's (or even coffee) or different sugars and then throw the scoby away when you have finished....
What Kombucha brewing Equipment do i need?
blog Culture care Equipment info kombucha scobies

So, you have decide that you like the idea of making kombucha at home, but not sure exactly what you'll need. Good news! Making kombucha at home requires only two, very simple supplies: a brewing vessel and cover. It's that simple! There are a few other supplies that can come in handy for brewing, but aside from these two items, everything else is optional. Keep in mind the below tips when picking out a container and cover and you'll be ready to make homemade kombucha in no time. Material Options: What to Use Glass. Glass is the best option for brewing kombucha. Not...
Flavouring Kombucha
blog information kombucha receipes

When you want to experiment with the Kombucha tea recipeMany people right around the globe drink Kombucha Tea, and the majority of them stick with the basic Kombucha recipeIf you don’t know how to make the basic Kombucha recipe then you will find it all explained here and if you need a kombucha mother scoby or starter kit you can find them here. However there is lots you can do to change the flavour of your kombucha. Changing the base tea.This is the most popular way to vary your recipe and probably the easiest. All you need to do...